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2 mins Read 6 Feb 2025 Brussels

Upcoming event 18 March in Brussels: Unlocking Investment Opportunities for Water and Sanitation in Africa

A showcase event on investment projects developed by the African Development Bank Group and the African Water Facility

What: A showcase event on investment projects developed by the African Development Bank Group and the African Water Facility

Who: African Development Bank Group, African Water Facility, Association of European Development Finance Institutions

Where: Brussels, Belgium. Sofitel Brussels Europe. This is an in-person only event. 

When: 18 March 2025

The African Water Facility, under the leadership of the African Development Bank Group and in collaboration with the European Association of Development Finance Institutions, will host an event to showcase opportunities for investment in water, sanitation, and hygiene to improve the availability of these basic services in Africa.

At the event, the Facility will present its new pipeline of projects which require funding, an impressive and diverse range of bankable projects which are ready for downstream investment, and the first batch of 12 countries to receive support under the Africa Urban Sanitation Investment Initiative, the Facility’s new urban sanitation investment window.

Africa has the lowest access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene services in the world. Over 411 million people in 54 countries, including 33 least developed countries and six small island developing states, lack basic drinking water. Only 201 million people have access to clean and safe drinking water, and 1.1 billion people don’t have access to safe sanitation services. To achieve universal access to water and sanitation, the continent needs an estimated $55 – $66 billion per year for infrastructure, and accelerated action which includes increased public and private sector investment.

The African Water Facility helps close the financing gap by preparing bankable, investment-ready projects. The Facility also invests in catalytic projects that employ innovative technologies, financing instruments and business-oriented models with the potential to attract downstream investment. To continue to deliver on its mandate to improve the quality of life for rural and urban communities, the African Water Facility requires €600 million in core and/or earmarked funding over the next 10 years, an initial €102 million to finance a first batch of 37 project preparations from its rolling pipeline of 80 projects, and €300 million euros for AUSII.

Expected participants include European development finance institutions, private sector, philanthropic organisations, corporate sustainable development funds, and other stakeholders interested in development in Africa.

Participation is by invitation only.

Event contacts:

Simon Wreford-Howard
Advisor, Resource Mobilization
African Water Facility (AWF) / African Development Bank (AfDB)

Mary Temiloluwa Ajayi
Communications Specialist
African Water Facility (AWF) / African Development Bank (AfDB)

James Pieper 
Senior Communications Officer