Member area

Membership network 

A robust association network feeds into all EDFI work. A transparent, well functioning network is built on information flows between members and with the association secretariat. To do this, EDFI promote culture of open exchange and a sense of belonging. Its members maintain high-quality network activities such task forces, less-structured networking groups, CEO Forum, CIO platform as its Annual Meeting. Oversight of work within the membership network is reported to ensure timely and regular updates on activities of EDFI workstreams to the relevant bodies. In addition, the EDFI Academy for DFI staff spurs networking, best practice sharing and builds a common purpose and values.

Intro image

How members work together

CEO Forum

Meetings among CEOs designed to advance the mutual engagement and dialogue on strategic challenges and opportunities among the CEOs.

CIO Platform

Their exchange provides value to the membership network, steering network activity and taking ad-hoc role in times of need.

Networking Groups

Topic-driven, bottom-up fora of exchange among DFI experts. These communities of practice form to meet on a specifics topics.

Task Forces

Tackle issues of import among members deemed by EDFI Board as needing collaboration, such as Mobilisation and Sustainable Finance.

EDFI Academy

The EDFI Academy stimulates networking, sharing of best practices and creating a sense of common purposes and values among DFI staff. As DFIs form the centre of development finance priorities, specialised training, and networking matters to their staff. Working with human resource specialists at member institutions, EDFI Association plans training sessions throughout the year on a wide range of topics.